This is where all of ScalyMUCK’s model definitions are located, save for the modifications that may extend the software in such a way that it demands for extra models but that is beyond the point.
All of the above classes inherit a few functions from ObjectBase as well.
Base room model that ScalyMUCK uses.
Rooms are what make up the world inside of just about any MUCK really. Even if the rooms are not described as such, they still must be used to contain players, dropped items, bots, etc.
Gives this Room instance an Exit linking to anywhere.
This produces an Exit link from the calling Room instance to another one elsewhere. The database changes are automatically committed here due to the way the exit has to be created in the database first for the changes to properly apply without any hackery to occur.
Broadcasts a message to all inhabitants of the Room except those specified.
This broadcasts a set message to all inhabitants of the Room except those specified after the message: some_room.broadcast(‘Dragons are best!’, that_guy, this_guy, other_guy)
The exceptions may be an ID or an instance.
A 2000 character string representing the description of this Room.
Locates a Bot located in the calling instance of Room.
This is a less computionally intensive version of the world’s find_bot as there is going to be much less data to be sorting through since you actually know where the Bot is located (otherwise you wouldn’t be calling this!) and all you need is the instance.
Locates an Item located in the calling instance of Room.
This is a less computionally intensive version of the world’s find_item as there is going to be much less data to be sorting through since you actually know where the Item is located (otherwise you wouldn’t be calling this!) and all you need is the instance.
Locates an Item located in the calling instance of Room.
This is a less computionally intensive version of the world’s find_item as there is going to be much less data to be sorting through since you actually know where the Item is located (otherwise you wouldn’t be calling this!) and all you need is the instance.
Locates a Player located in the calling instance of Room.
This is a less computionally intensive version of the world’s find_player as there is going to be much less data to be sorting through since you actually know where the Player is located (otherwise you wouldn’t be calling this!) and all you need is the instance.
This is the database number of the Room.