Common Class

This is where all of ScalyMUCK’s model definitions are located, save for the modifications that may extend the software in such a way that it demands for extra models but that is beyond the point.

The “base” definitions located in are:

All of the above classes inherit a few functions from ObjectBase as well.

class models.ObjectBase[source]

Base class used for the inheritance of useful member functions that work accross all models.


Commits any changes left in RAM to the database.


Deletes the object from the world. If it is a Player instance, the related connection is dropped from the server.

set_description(description, commit=True)[source]

Sets the description of this object.

Sets the description of the calling object instance.

Keyword arguments:
  • commit – Determines whether or not this data should be commited immediately. It also includes other changes made

by any previous function calls thay may have set this to false. Default: True

set_location(location, commit=True)[source]

Sets the current location of this object.

This sets the location of the object without any prior notification to the person being moved (if it’s a player) nor anyone in the original room or the target room. That is the calling modification’s job to provide any relevant messages.

Keyword arguments:
  • commit – Determines whether or not this data should be commited immediately. It also includes other changes made

by any previous function calls thay may have set this to false. Default: True

set_name(name, commit=True)[source]

Sets the name of the object.

This sets the name of the object that is displayed and used to process requests towards it.

Keyword arguments:
  • commit – Determines whether or not this data should be commited immediately. It also includes other changes made

by any previous function calls thay may have set this to false. Default: True

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