Server Instance Class

This is the main ScalyMUCK server code, it performs the initialisation of various systems and is the binding of everything.

class server.Server(config=None, path=None, workdir=None)[source]

Server class that is initialized by the script to act as the MUCK server. It performs all of the core functions of the MUCK server, which is mainly accepting connections and performing the login sequence before giving them access to the server and its world.

__init__(config=None, path=None, workdir=None)[source]

The server class is created and managed by the script.

When created, the server automatically initiates a Telnet server provided by Miniboa which immediately listens for incoming connections and will query them for login details upon connection.

Keyword arguments:
config – An instance of game.Settings that is to be used when loading configuration data. path – The data path that all permenant data should be written to. workdir – The current working directory of the server. This should be an absolute path to application/.

Finds a player connection by their database ID.


This is merely a callback for Miniboa to refer to when receiving a client connection from somewhere.


This is merely a callback for Miniboa to refer to when receiving a client disconnection.


Shuts down the ScalyMUCK server.

This command shuts down the ScalyMUCK server and gracefully disconnects all connected clients by sending a message before their disconnection which currently reads: “The server has been shutdown adruptly by the server owner.” This message cannot be changed.


The update command is called by the script file.

The update command does as it says, it causes the server to go through and poll for data from any of the clients and processes this data differently based on whether or not that they had actually logged in. When this function finishes calling, a single world tick has passed.

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